Can I register for multiple accounts?

Yes, you can be in different stores and properties, here's how.

In the case that you are a manager of multiple sites or maybe part of the corporate offices and use one of our apps, then you can easily register for more than one store.

Depending on your app you may be able to use the register for another store button which you can find in your profile page.

If you navigate to the menu, click on My Profile and then press the Register for another store button. You can then repeat the signup process to get access to your other properties.



If your property does not have this button, you can also do it a different way.

You would just need to log out of your current account, and rather than logging in, press register again and repeat the signup process selecting the new property you wish to sign up for.

When you do this you will need to register with exactly the same email and password that you used with your first account.

How to switch accounts

Once you are in multiple stores you can easily switch between them.

At the top of the main menu page, in the app, you will see the store and role you are currently logged into. Pressing on this will generate a list of the stores you have access to. Just press on the one you need to be in, the app will refresh and you have switched accounts.

On the web application, it is slightly different. In the top left, you will see the name of the property you are logged into. If you have access to multiple stores you'll see a small arrow icon to the right of it.

Clicking here will open a list of properties available to you and you can just click on the one you need to be logged into.


Why am I missing some of the stores that I should be able to switch to?

If you can't see all of the stores you are a part of, the likelihood is that your account has been blocked for some reason. The best thing to do, in this case, is reaching out to the property management team who will be able to help you get access.