Managing Your Content

How to add and remove content from your app

One of the most powerful things you can do with your app is to promote your business to your community and also post job vacancies.

You have hundreds of people coming to your property every day, this is your chance to promote yourself to them.

If you offer a discount to people that work in your property, then this is where you can shout about it. Also, you can add temporary offers.

So for example, if you are a coffee shop and you want to boost your trade from 8-10am, why not offer an extra incentive to people working and promote yourself to hundreds of people that come to your property every day?

It doesn't always have to be a discount. Some offers we have seen in the past include priority perks, early opening hours, and much more, get creative!

How do I add an offer?

Only people assigned to the store manager role can add offers, just press the add offer button, look for the blue button at the top and fill in the form.

Depending on your property's set-up, some offers will appear instantly whereas others may need to be approved by the property management before appearing on the app.

How do I add a job vacancy?

Job Vacancies works the same way as offers, only people assigned to the store manager can add job vacancies, just press the add job vacancy button, look for the blue button at the top and fill in the form.

Depending on your property's set-up, some jobs will appear instantly whereas others may need to be approved by the property management before appearing on the app.

Remember when you are filling in the form to mention how people can apply.

How do I remove an offer?

Offers will come off the app automatically on the date specified when adding it. If it is one that you added yourself, you can remove it early if needed.

When you go into the ‘Add an offer’ button you will see a list of offers that you created. Here you can press on one in the list to edit or simply remove it.

How can I remove a job vacancy?

The job will come off the app automatically on the date specified as the close date. It is possible to remove it early if needed.

When you go into the ‘Add a job vacancy’ button you will see a list of the ones you created. Here you can edit or simply remove it.