Where can I download the app?

Your app can be downloaded from the iOS app store or the Google Play store.

Please consider that the app you need could be Mallcomm+ or a branded version specific to your business. 

If you are unsure which app you require, feel free to reach out and we can point you in the right direction. Alternatively, contact your manager who should be able to let you know.



How do I get Mallcomm if I have a Blackberry?

If you have a Blackberry you can download the Google Play store app onto your phone and then get the app through that. You can find the link to the Blackberry Playstore app here: http://playstoreblackberry.com

How can I get access if I don’t have a smartphone?

For convenience, every app also has a website version that you can use. We recommend using Google Chrome; however, it is compatible with most browsers with the exception of Internet Explorer.

If you are unsure of your web app URL, you can either speak with your management team or drop us a message and we'd be happy to point you in the right direction.

Your account details are the same if you are using the app or the web app, so you can use both with the same profile if you wish. whichever is more convenient at the time.