How to update sales collection contacts

This article explains how to add, remove and update sales reporting contacts associated with a particular store/retailer within the CRM database.

NOTE: Please reach out to your account representative if your center has not been configured for sales collection/reporting.

What is the CRM?

The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool that allows you to manage contacts from the Mallcomm app and non-Mallcomm users in a single centralized location.

You can upload contacts from Excel files into the CRM, and then search for specific contacts and filter by contact type. You can also create and save your own subsets as custom lists from the main contacts. If required, these contacts can be linked to stores, allowing you to filter by contact type and by store category or access level.

The CRM is also integrated into the app, so you can use it on the go. The app can be updated live in real-time, and you can call people and update their information and notes.

Here are some of the benefits of using the CRM for managing contacts:

  • Centralized location: All of your contacts are stored in a single location, making it easy to find and manage them.
  • Flexible filtering: You can filter contacts by contact type, store, or other criteria.
  • Custom lists: You can create and save your own custom lists of contacts.
  • Real-time updates: The app is updated live in real-time, so you always have the latest information.
  • Mobile access: You can use the CRM on the go, so you can always stay connected with your contacts.

How is the CRM used with sales collection?

Most retailers have a designated person or team responsible for reporting their sales information. This person or team may not always be the store manager who is registered in the Mallcomm app. The CRM provides a way to track and designate those who are responsible for reporting, whether they are a registered app user or not. This allows for quick reference and for targeted communications.

Here are some of the benefits of using CRM for tracking and designating sales reporting responsibilities:

  • Quick reference: The CRM allows you to quickly see who is responsible for reporting sales information for each store. This can save you time when you need to contact someone about sales reporting.
  • Targeted communications: You can use the CRM to send targeted communications to the people who are responsible for reporting sales information. This ensures that your communications are received by the right people and that they are relevant to their responsibilities.
  • Improved accuracy: By tracking and designating sales reporting responsibilities, you can help to improve the accuracy of your sales data. This is because you will be able to ensure that the right people are submitting sales information and that the information is submitted in a timely manner.

When should the CRM be updated?

To ensure accuracy in communication and timely reporting of sales information, it is important to keep sales contacts current. This information should be updated whenever there is a new responsible party, a party is no longer responsible, or the responsible party's contact information has changed.

How to update information for an existing contact:

  1. Log into the CMS and navigate to the applicable center
  2. Click People > CRM
  3. Choose the desired store from the Stores dropdown
  4. Choose Sales Collection from the Type of contact dropdown
  5. Locate the desired contact
  6. Click on the Edit icon
  7. Update the information where required
  8. Click Update

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How to remove a designated sales reporting contact:

  1. Log into the CMS and navigate to the applicable center
  2. Click People > CRM
  3. Choose the desired store from the Stores dropdown
  4. Choose Sales Collection from the Type of contact dropdown
  5. Locate the desired contact
  6. Tick the box next to the contact
  7. Click Delete Selected

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How to add a new sales reporting contact:

  1. Log into the CMS and navigate to the applicable center
  2. Click People > CRM
  3. Click Add new contact
  4. Complete the information as applicable.  
    1. Be sure to select Sales contact from the Type of contact dropdown
  5. Click Add

👀 NOTE:  Before adding a new contact, be sure to check that the contact does not already exist in the CRM. 

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